28 Commercial Street

Project:                            28 COMMERCIAL STREET

Project Manager:             LSQ004C

Client:                              TOYNBEE HALL CHARITY ESTATE

Architect:                         PLATFORM 5 (PRE) & SAUNDERS ARCHITECTS (POST)

M&E Consultant:             BAILEY GOMM LTD

Contractor:                      THOMAS SINDEN (DESIGN & BUILD)

This development involved demolition of existing three-storey structure down to ground level including ground floor slab and retention of existing basement, with the help of temporary works. New structure is a five-storey structure with an existing basement. Existing piled foundations were re-used and where necessary new piled foundations were incorporated, with new insitu reinforced ground floor flat slab acting as a transfer slab to support steel framed super structure over consisting of exposed castellated beams and composite metal decked concrete floors. Steel frame and metal decked flooring was considered to ensure lightweight construction to keep loads within capacities of existing piles. Overall stability of the structure is provided by rigid steel sway frames in both axis of the building with inclusion of vertical cross bracings where possible. The building incorporated arched colonnade walk through at ground level and salvaged/repaired historic stone mural to fifth storey elevation.